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A Window on the World. From Dürer to Mondrian and Beyond. Looking Through the Window of Art from the Renaissance to Today

€ 19,00 € 39,00 51%

Codice: 351172559105266

Editore: Skira

Categoria: Pittura

Ean13: 9788857216973

Lugano, Museo d'Arte and Museo Cantonale d'Arte, 16 September 2012 - 6 January 2013. Lausanne, Fondation de l'Hermitage, 25 January - 20 May, 2013. Edited by M. Franciolli, G. Iovane, S. Würmann. Milano, 2013; clothbound, pp. 334, col. ill. and plates, cm 22,5x29.



With works ranging from Durer to Mondrian, this is an exploration of the representation and pictorial meaning of the window in Western art. 200 colour illus.

  • Soggetti: Pittura, Scultura
  • Anno: 2013
  • Dimensioni: 22,5x29 cm
  • Spessore: 22 mm
  • Peso: 2 Kg