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The World of Aldo Rossi.

€ 9,90

Codice: 375423439135989

Editore: LetteraVentidue

Categoria: Architettura

Ean13: 9788862422987

English Text. Siracusa, 2018; paperback, pp. 62, cm 15x21.


4 prodotti disponibili

I wanted to come to terms with the work of Aldo Rossi, with his extraordinary ability to get to the crux of problems, to the nucleus of every project theme, transforming it into a question that closely pertained to his life. ere are two words in his writings - rational and exalted - that made me understand the coexistence of two planes of discourse on method: the rational plane based on principles, and the analogical plane based on the desire for an imagined world.

  • Autori: Monestiroli Antonio
  • Soggetti: Architetti e Studi, Urbanistica e Viabilità
  • Anno: 2018
  • Dimensioni: 15x21 cm
  • Spessore: 20 mm
  • Peso: 1 Kg