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Courts and Mediation: New Paths for Justice

€ 32,43 € 35,00 7%

Code: 357152135897799

Publisher: European Press Academic Publishing

Category: Economy - Law

Ean13: 9788883980671

Lamporecchio, 2011; paperback, pp. 204, cm 15,5x23,5.


Only one available

Selected papers from the Symposium on Courts and Mediation, GEMME-Catalan white book on mediation, Cosmocaixa, Barcelona. The Book is the final result of a long research depending from the Department of Justice of the Catalan Government, generously funded by the Obra Social La Caixa, and involving nearly all the Catalan institutions, sixteen research teams, and about one-hundred researchers. In a way, this book is also an attempt to transcend the quandaries of the relationship between mediation and the courts by offering some reflections on current practices and experiences that, from different domains and standpoints, aim at fostering productive relationships between mediation and the judicial system.

  • Year: 2011
  • Dimensions: 15.5x23.5 cm
  • Thickness: 16 mm