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Land of Sikyon. The Archaeology and History of a Greek City-state

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Code: 525142451838627

Publisher: American School of Classical Studies at Athens

Category: Archaeology

Ean13: 9780876615393

Oxford, 2012; paperback, pp. 635, ill., cm 20x26.


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Ancient Sikyon, in the northeastern Peloponnese, was a major player on the Mediterranean stage, especially in the Archaic and Hellenistic periods. Discussing the physical environment and resources of the region, this topographical study traces the history of Sikyon from the Mycenaean to the early modern period. Ancient Sikyon, in the northeastern Peloponnese, was a major player on the Mediterranean stage, especially in the Archaic and Hellenistic periods. This important topographical study combines substantial background information with original research from many years of archaeological fieldwork. After discussing the physical environment and resources of the region, the author traces the history of Sikyon from the Mycenaean to the early modern period. The book then expands to discuss the place of the city in its surrounding landscape, especially in the creation of fortifications to protect property and control the flow of trade. A series of elegant maps plot the position of many previously unknown settlements and sanctuaries.

  • Subjects: Essays on Ancient Times
  • Year: 2012
  • Dimensions: 20x26 cm
  • Thickness: 40 mm
  • Weight: 2 Kg